Halo Headband

Halo Headband, Montreal Canada

Facebook & Google Ads Management


Halo is a sports eCommerce brand selling headbands that block the sweat from your eyes. Their product is light, comfortable and fashionable. They came to us looking to increase their online sales since they were mostly in retail.

Halo was looking to find their voice & audience while growing their eCommerce sales. We were in charge of designing new posts, finding their target audience and trying different marketing angles with Facebook.


01. Location & interest targeting

We launched tests to determine the best locations and interests to targets.

02. Call-to-action

Once we had our targeting down to a science, we including an enticing call-to-action in the copy to bring converting customers to their store.

03. Highest reach ever

We  launched an engagement campaign with the goal of massively increasing their reach – and it worked.


We chose to advertise mostly in Canada by starting to post organically on their social media and see what their audience would react the most to. We started by posting about sports fans, debates & questions on Facebook.

This allowed us to find which angle made their audience react the most in terms of engagement. We added a call to action on every post linking back to their stores which allowed us to capture some sales.

From there, we launched ads on Facebook to generate more reach of the top posts that were getting thousands of likes (more than the brand had ever seen).


+200% SalesIncrease

+20X Facebook Engagement

+73% Facebook Popularity


Get people engaged by asking them questions

We spent the time finding questions that our audience would love to answer. By making people participate, we were able to grow the reach of Halo at no additional costs quite quickly. This resulted in a lot of growth in performance.

Promote your most viewed posts

We were looking at the posts who were getting the most results in terms of engagement organically. Based on the results, we were boosting the posts who got the most engagement. By being able to increase the reach with paid traffic, we were able to increase the reach of Halo Headband very quickly.

Social Media can bring in extra revenue

With the engagement we brought, we were able to grow Halo’s audience & reach. This created an opportunity to engage with that audience & eventually push to generate sales. We always recommend our clients to create a relationship to not only get new clients but keep them in the loop.

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Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Social Media Management & SEO

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