
Aritmetik, Montreal, Canada

Facebook and Google Ads Management


Aritmetik has multiple stores around Montreal selling high end fashion clothing and accessories.

During the pandemic, most retail stores had to temporarily close down. As a result, Aritmetik was looking to generate more sales from their online store. With our experience in paid media and fashion eCommerce, it seemed like a perfect fit for us to help them reach their goal.


01. We set up conversion tracking

We implemented conversion tracking on Google and Facebook with the Google Tag Manager, Facebook pixel tracking and google Analytics. This is often an overlooked step but it’s very crucial. How can you optimize if your data is inaccurate? Bad information leads to bad decisions. 

02. We did a lot of research

We researched the audiences of every brand they were selling to understand what made them tick. It was interesting because we were almost advertising for every brand that Aritmetik was reselling. 

03. We ran Facebook ads

We launched a Facebook Ads campaign on cold and retargeting audiences. They didn’t have a lot of traffic. We really launched everything from A to Z. We did individual product campaigns on the items that were on sale but it was important to track inventory as well.


After just two months of working with them, we were able to generate a
5.26X ROI.


Great ad copy is the difference between an average ad and an above average one

Always invest in having a great ad copy. By researching the fine details of each individual brand, we were able to really speak to them. We got as deep into the tone of each brand as we could, and channeled it all into our copy. It was a big part of why we were able to be so successful with the ads we ran.

Choose your products wisely

We prioritized the bestselling or on sale items as the products we ran in our Facebook ads. We always tell our clients that they have to see their ads as a showcase – people might not buy those products necessarily, but those products will make them visit your website and buy.

Target broad interests

Don’t be afraid of going abroad with your target audience. Most people think you have to nail the perfect audience such as men, aged 30 who like tennis, poker & karate living in a specific area, etc. – but it’s honestly not a good strategy. It’s better to go broad and then see who relates most to your advertising. You’d be surprised at who ends up buying from certain ads you wrote. You can learn a lot by targeting broadly.

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Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Social Media Management & SEO

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