Commercial Web Design: 10 Critical Aspects for a Business Startup

Marketing Software Automation

The world of commerce is all about image. That’s why a commercial web design says a lot about the company. When designing a business website, it is important to make the right design layout and branding. There are lots of free resources on the web but we thought we would gather up important points. We’ll tackle key areas you need to consider when building a business website.

Here are a few important aspects about commercial web design that you need to take into account.

Commercial web design

1. All device compatibility

Many web users prefer to use their smartphone or tablet when surfing the Internet. If your site is not optimised for all devices, it won’t show on some devices. As you can guess, this is not a good look for your company.

You can obviously hire a top-rated commercial web design agency in Adelaide. They will make sure your website can be viewed using any type of digital device. This way, the design that reflects your company and who you are.

When you talk to web design agencies, they usually gather as much information as possible about your brand. From there, they build a brand book and guidelines to create website mockups. They take in consideration all the technical aspects of web design such as responsiveness. Making sure your website looks good on mobile, desktop and Ipad.

2. Fast page loading

Nothing turns a web user off like having to wait while pages load. In fact, most will leave the site, never to return. A good web designer would ensure that all images and graphics are in the right format. This promotes rapid page loading. You also need to have enough bandwidth to accommodate a lot of data. You can talk to your Internet service provider about a dedicated server package, ensuring lightning-fast loading.

There are several reasons why web pages might be slow to load. It could be the format of the content, host server issues or even the Internet connection of the user.

3. Commercial Web Design Navigation

The best website on the planet is useless if you cannot find what you are looking for; menus should be clear, with information divided into sections; archives can be created to store blogs, articles and reports. It is important to remember that a website is never ‘finished’, rather it is a work in progress, constantly being developed as the organisation evolves.

Think about content management; engage the services of a top-rated web designer to make sure that your digital portal to the world is easy to navigate. Ask friends to check out the site and offer constructive feedback that can help you to make things better. Click here to find out more about main branding challenges and how to overcome them.

4. Showcase your team

Create an ‘about us’ page and post bios of all employees, which personalizes the user experience; tell your story of how an idea became a concept, which led to the formation of a business and the rest is history as they say. Filter for positive content regarding employees and encourage them to write a dynamic bio, one that engages the user.

5. Commercial web design blog

A blog page is a great way to engage users; post blogs and articles that are informative and users will learn from reading them. A blog page also allows you to add specific keywords for site optimisation with Google, which is a critical aspect of digital marketing. This is a main reason why businesses have a blog page, which offers many other benefits.

A local digital marketing agency would be more than capable of writing on-topic blogs; indeed, many businesses place a standing order to add blogs on a daily or weekly basis. Topics should be relevant to your products/services and provide authentic information that is unbiased.

6. Use of commercial web design graphics

It is easy to fill a page with graphics that do nothing except confuse the user; your web designer would likely tell you if your layout contains too much in terms of visual appeal.

Calls to action (CTA) are important as they encourage the user to take the next step, which might be to register for a free newsletter, to join a group or even to buy a product.

7. The use of case studies

If you can show users how forging a relationship with your company will bring them benefits, showcasing case studies clearly demonstrate this.

Business owners will readily relate to the problems and issues the sample company faces and showing how your product/service makes all the difference, will engage users and drive them to learn more. It should not be difficult to nurture the right relationships with specific clients that you can use for case studies.

8. FAQ page is a must

It matters not what industry you are in, users will form questions in their mind and a comprehensive FAQ page provides all the answers, and some!

Ask your team to brainstorm potential questions that potential clients might have, then compile comprehensive answers. Review the list, while also asking for user feedback to see if there are questions you did not include in your list.

9. Networking

There are many ways that you can network using your company website; start by adding buttons to all your social media platforms, create authority links and share links with other businesses.

Google recognises links of all kinds and this can lead to a higher Google ranking. Over a period of time, you can link with other businesses and sharing web links is a great way to network.

10. Error free content

Your web content is a reflection of you and your business, therefore you should hire a web content writer to compile all your web text. The way your site content is presented can impact your Google search rankings, so do bear that in mind.

Once the site is online, any bugs will quickly be revealed and the host should provide 24/7 cyber-security, which is essential for every business website. Your clients will expect bank-grade cyber-protection, which is something to talk to your web designer about.

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