How To Create High Engagement Facebook Posts

How To Create High Engagement Facebook Posts

Facebook is a great way to engage with your customers. And if you know anything about Facebook marketing, you’ll know that engagement is absolutely key to growing your organic reach.

The best way to see engagement is through Facebook posts. But what to post?

Pop Tv GIF by Schitt's Creek

Of course, there are other ways to see successful engagement on Facebook – check out our article about Facebook Groups and how to use them to encourage engagement.

And, learn more about Facebook Reach here.

We’ll show you some of the best tips for creating great Facebook posts. But first, it’s important to understand just how valuable engagement on Facebook can be.

To maximize your engagement strategy, you might consider using a control SMM panel. A control SMM panel allows you to manage and optimize your social media efforts effectively, providing insights and automation that can significantly enhance your Facebook presence. By leveraging a control SMM panel, you can streamline your content management, track engagement metrics, and implement targeted strategies that drive meaningful interactions on your posts.

Facebook Engagement

With over 19 million users, Facebook can be a great place to gain exposure for your brand. But unfortunately, many companies on Facebook aren’t reaching their full potential because they aren’t posting the most engaging content.

Additionally, there is a ton of competition on Facebook. Companies are all fighting for attention, so it’s important to stand out.

Engagement is super important to your Facebook page because more engagement means more exposure and reach.

But what does engagement look like?

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Engagement can take the form of reactions, comments, and shares.

Engagement with your posts can take many forms. The ones you want to be focusing on are:

  • Comments
  • Likes (reactions)
  • Shares

Comments are important because posts with more comments rank higher on Facebook’s algorithm and will be seen more by users.

The same goes for likes and reactions. Likes and reactions are an easy way for users to quickly engage with your posts, so you’ll likely see more of these than comments.

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Facebook reactions don’t only show you engagement on your post, you can use reactions as feedback to gauge how people really feel about it.

And shares are super important for extending your reach. New customers can discover your post from a friend’s share, and this could get you even more engagement. In order to do this, you need to be creating shareable posts.

You want to be creating Facebook posts that encourage users to engage with your brand and, in doing so, get your brand noticed.

Read on to learn how!

Engagement Tips

1. Imagery

Use Original Photos

Stay away from using generic images in your posts, as users want to see something new. Creating your own images gives your post an edge because it’s something users will have never seen before.

There are a few ways to do this. You can create or take your own photos, hire a graphic designer, or use a tool such as Canva.

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Our in house graphic designer creates images for our blog posts and Facebook posts – among other things!

It’s always better to stay away from using stock photos when you can. Show your brand’s essence and personality by creating your own content that will surely stand out to users.

Profile and Cover Pictures

Always make sure to keep your profile picture and cover photo up to date.

A tip is to rotate cover photos every few weeks to months. Cover photos give you a creative space to tell more about your brand. It’s often one of the first things users notice on your page.

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Bubbly changes their cover photo to match the season every few weeks. They also make sure their logo is big and clear in their profile picture so that their brand is easily recognized.

For profile pictures, it’s super important that your logo is always clearly visible. This is because when you make a Facebook post, your profile picture is always attached to it. It’s a great way to help users instantly recognize your posts as your own.

Use Popular Image Formats

Selfies are hugely popular on Facebook, so try to incorporate them into your posts. As longs as it’s related to your business, it’s a great way to strengthen the connection with users.

Engagement on selfies is typically always much better. In fact, a study by Gerogia Institute of Technology and Yahoo Labs found that 38% of users are more likely to interact with a photo of a human face. While the study looked at specifically Instagram posts, the same applies for Facebook.

Use Viral Pictures

But sparingly. Viral pictures are always a great way to see more engagement, as Facebook users love relevant and easily shareable content. It’s a good idea to use them sparingly, however, because you don’t want your page to be full of only viral images.

Some great viral image formats to considers are: memes, quotes, and funny/relevant photos.

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Netflix is known for its great use of memes and pop culture references in its Facebook posts.

Additionally, you can recreate viral photos to better suit your brand. In the same way, you can also recreate iconic photos that people know and recognize.

As long as it’s relevant to your business or industry, these kinds of posts will surely show you more engagement.

Show Off Your Products

Showcase your products with high-quality product photos. The best way to do this is to show your product in action or being used. This way, users will see ways to use your products and be inspired by it.

Show your product in its natural habitat and make it look inviting.

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Costa shows off their mince tarts with a great high-quality image to make their customers’ mouths water.

Introduce Your Team

Post a photo of your team or use the opportunity to shed a spotlight on individual employees in your Facebook posts. This is a great way for users to get to know your team, as well as to show a more personal side of your brand. Users will connect with the human side of your business and engage.

Another great idea is to post a photo (or a few) of your team and the work culture within your business. Have some fun with it!

As a side note, this is also a great format to introduce customers by posting a photo of them with your products.

2. Other Post Ideas


Use a Facebook post to tell the story of your business, how your business got its start, your brand mission, or your life. Facebook users will appreciate showing the human side of your business and they can relate to it.

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This Lululemon post clearly states a part of the company mission, letting users know what’s important to them.

Stories resonate with users. The story of your CEO’s climb to the top of the corporate ladder could serve as inspiration for a kid to pursue their dream career.

This format works great with video, because letting someone tell their story adds authenticity to the post. The goal is to create an emotional connection to your brand through stories.

Go Behind The Scenes

Show users an exclusive look at your brand, another great way to create an emotional and personal connection.

Try to show users what a typical day looks like for you or members of your team. An idea is to choose a day every week to post an exclusive look at a member of your team’s day.


A sale or promotion is a wonderful way to see more engagement. This is a highly shareable post, so make sure to encourage users to share with their friends.

Promotions allow you to see great engagement, while also advertising your products.

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Posting about a promotion you’re running is a great way to see more engagement on your posts. Customers are much more likely to share this Topshop sale with their friends.

Recommend Pages

Show your customers that you are interested in them by sharing page recommendations for them. Be sure that the pages you choose are relevant to your brand/industry and target audience – and, of course, make sure you’re not directing them to a competitor!

Use Hashtags

Using hashtags can ensure your post gets a bit more reach, and in some cases, they could bring you significantly more reach.

If you’re not sure how to use hashtags, think about keywords you want your brand to be associated with. This can help you show up when a customer searches for a specific hashtag.

For example, if #inboundmarketing is a relevant hashtag for your business – like it is for us – simply tag it onto the end of your post.

This way, a customer who may not know your company could discover you through a search of the hashtag.

It’s a small, often unnoticeable thing that can make a huge difference to your reach and engagement.

Create Guides

How-to posts tend to see lots of engagement and are highly shareable. Create an educational how-to guide to help your customers feel that they’re learning something new.

The guide can be right in a post (step-by-step in post copy) or you can create an infographic to post. Use this opportunity to explain how a specific product works, how to use your services, or anything relevant to your brand or industry in general.

Additionally, you can post quick tips for your customers. Instead of creating a guide, break up your expert tips into bite-sized posts that can be shared daily.

Post About Causes, Charities and Non-Profits You Support

Take a moment to tell your customers about the causes, charities, and non-profits that you support. This is a great opportunity to talk about what matters to your business and what your company values are.

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This Anthropologie post does a great job letting their customers know that they support the International Child Art Foundation. They’ve also seen great engagement by encouraging users to share their own pictures with a hashtag and incentivizing them by donating each time they do.

People can relate to things you care about and posts like these often see high engagement.

Post a Challenge or Contest

Posting a challenge or contest and encouraging users to tag a friend in the comments is possibly one of the best ways to see more engagement with your brand.

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Samsung encourages user engagement through a contest. Users will comment on the post to enter the contest.

Using a prize as an incentive to have users comment, like, or share your post is a great way to introduce new customers, too.

In terms of a prize, it can be anything from a huge giveaway package or a free product to a discount or a repost on your social media.

Promote Your Blog

If you have a blog, sharing your blog posts on your Facebook page is a great way do two things at once – create a great facebook post that informs users what your brand is about and direct traffic to your blog.

Use an excerpt from your blog post or create a brief synopsis of the content for your Facebook post description.

Bonus points if your blog post is a how-to guide or educational information about your brand or your industry. These kinds of posts are highly shareable and see great engagement because people are always looking for tutorials and ways to learn new things.


More than 8 billion videos are watched on Facebook every day. It’s obviously a great way to see some more engagement and get your brand noticed.

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Sobeys uses a delicious looking and creative video to show off some of their products.

You can pre-record a video and upload it onto Facebook, or you can try your hand at Facebook Live.

Facebook Live is arguably much better for engagement, as it encourages users to watch the video in real-time. You can interact directly with viewers, ask and answer questions, and react to things live. While you’re live, you can read your audience and direct the topic to suit them, getting you more engagement.

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Although this Facebook Live by Benefit has ended, users can still engage with the brand after the video ends.

Once the live stream has ended, the video remains on your page for users to watch whenever they want. The engagement on the post can continue long after you finish going live. Try creating a live series each week to keep customers engaged.

3. When To Post


Use Facebook Audience Insights to figure out when users are engaging most with your posts and try to post regularly during those times. Typically, the best times to post are 12:00 PM, 3:00 PM, and 7:00 PM, but it varies greatly. Take note of when (day and time) your posts do their best and create a schedule.

Avoid Peak Hours

Peak hours do not equal peak engagement. Most businesses will be posting at the same time, so it’s much hard to get users’ attention. With so many other posts, your posts may not even get seen.

Consider posting in the morning when there is less traffic from businesses.


Throwback Thursday posts (#tbt) are a fun way to share a bit of the history of your brand or industry. Facebook users have loved this trend for years now.

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Rick Steves’ Europe (travel resources) has done a great job with this throwback. They’ve shown their customers the start of it all.

Each Thursday, schedule a #tbt post into your content calendar. It could be a picture of your first day starting the business, your first office space, an employee’s first day – it’s up to you! But make sure to include a fun little description of the photo or video. This helps users to relate and interact with your post.

Share your biggest milestones in #tbt posts to remind your customers or introduce new ones to some of your best work.

Another fun idea would be to show users your first brand logo or slogan. You can even put it side-by-side with your current logo to compare.

Don’t forget to use the hashtag #tbt or #throwbackthursday!

Post (Good Quality Posts) Often

One of the keys to seeing more engagement on your posts is to post more often. Ideally, you’ll want to be posting at least once a day.

It’s very important to be posting good quality posts. Never post just for the sake of posting. You can skip a day if you feel that you don’t have anything relevant to post that day. Quality over quantity really is the rule here. Eventually, you should be aiming for a high quantity of high-quality posts every week.

You can also hire a professional to proofread your work and improve your writing through websites like StudyCrumb.

Posting more often will inevitably lead to more opportunities for engagement. The process may take some time to establish if your Facebook page is new, but keep at it and you’ll start to see results in no time.

4. Know Your Audience


Interact with users by asking questions. It’s a great way to find out more about your audience and increase engagement.

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Asking a question to your audience will evoke responses from your audience, just as Hudson’s Bay has done here.

Think of a few questions that are relevant to you or that you know will get lots of comments/shares and post them on Facebook. It’s a clear call to action that will surely get you some answers and engagement.

In addition to questions, you can use templates. Things like fill-in-the-blanks or reaction posts (ask users to choose an option by using Facebook’s react feature to choose their option) are also great ways to see some great engagement.

Watch What’s Trending

Facebook posts are organized by the Facebook Algorithm and the algorithm rewards trending topics by putting them right at the top.

That’s why it’s so important to watch what’s trending. Keep an eye on trending news, hashtags, and memes to find out what your audience is talking about.

Facebook has taken away the trending section on their website, so have a look through hashtags and Twitter for a better look at what’s trending.

Incorporate what you can into your own Facebook posts, but make sure it’s still relevant to your business. You can also weigh in on trends and see what your customers have to say about it. People love to discuss trends, so it’s a failsafe way to see more engagement.

Showcase Your Customers

Post about our customers and highlight your biggest fans. This is a great way to encourage people to interact and engage with you business because people love to be featured.

Testimonials are an awesome marketing technique. By showing real customers using your products and services, you can introduce new customers who trust testimonials.

According to a BrightLocal study, 88% of consumers are just as trusting of online reviews and testimonials as they are a personal recommendation.

So consider a testimonial just as important as a personal recommendation from a friend. The best part – not only are they an inexpensive way to see great marketing results, they’re also going to bring in high levels of engagement on your post.

Another idea to showcase your customers is to post a featured image taken by one of them each week. Choose a day of the week and encourage users to send or tag your brand in a photo for a chance to be featured every week.

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Signal Hill National Historic Site (Parks Canada) always makes a #FridayFollowerPhoto using one of their followers’ photos of their site. It’s a great way to encourage more users to engage.

Give Your Audience Options

This one goes pretty well hand-in-hand with asking your customers questions in your Facebook posts. Polls are another great way to directly ask your audience for engagement, and they’ll most likely come through for you!

People love to answer questions, especially if they’re fun. Try out a few different kinds of questions and see what does well for you.

One of the best ways to create a poll is to have users choose a reaction to match your options. Additionally, you can have them comment with a number to vote.

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Radio station Mix 94.1 has its audience divided – but engaging! – by asking a question and having users vote.

Respond To Comments

When customers comment on your posts, make sure you thank them. This way, they’ll want to keep commenting.

Another idea is to create a post specifically to thank your customers for their kind comments and support. Let your customers know that you appreciate what they do and that you’re grateful for them. It will encourage even more engagement and strengthen your brand’s trustworthiness.

A note on comments – make sure you’re responding in a timely manner. Generally, within 4 hours of the user’s comment is ideal. You can reply anytime, just don’t leave it until the next week.

More Quick Tips For Engagement

  • Why not post about an award or recognition your business has received? It will not only help your brand’s reputation but will also garner congratulations and engagement from your customers.
  • Use different seasons and holidays to tailor your posts to specific times of the year.
  • Gather some great quotes from business people or generally inspirational people in your industry and post a few. Choose ones that you think will resonate with your audience and make them want to engage.
  • Boost your posts by putting some advertising $$ behind them. This will get you much more reach and many more impressions – and engagement!
  • Be yourself. Sound authentic and personable, not like a robot. Users will appreciate the personal side of your company and want to engage with you.

Creating Great Facebook Post Engagement: A Recap

The businesses that do well on Facebook will always have a good engagement strategy. That’s because engagement is a huge driver of organic growth.

If you want to maximize your reactions, comments, and shares, remember to consider your images. Use high-quality, original photos that show off your products and services.

Think about also using a mixture of including hashtags, promotions, blog posts, contests, and guides to encourage even more user engagement on your posts.

Also, find a schedule that works for your brand. Sit down and create a content calendar for your Facebook posts. Your work will pay off in no time with regular posting.

Final Words

Now, go on and make a great Facebook post!

Building up great engagement on your page is sure to help you with organic reach. Don’t underestimate the importance of stepping up your Facebook posts game.

If you need more ideas for your Facebook posts – we’re happy to help! Check out our Social Media Agency below and have a look at our Ambassad Event case study to see how we do it.

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