Why You Need to Upgrade to Facebook Business Manager Now

Why You Need to Upgrade to Facebook Business Manager Now

The Facebook Business Manager has been created with the goal of making your Facebook ads account and Facebook pages more secure. For instance, some companies often need to share their Facebook pages and Facebook ad accounts with employees, third-parties or even contractors.

Sharing this information with such people is always risky and there needs to be a certain amount of control in order to stay safe. What if an employee decides to spend $10,000 in a day? How would you react? Probably not well.

Prior to having the Facebook business manager, most Facebook ad accounts had low budgets. People even had the option of linking their personal Facebook accounts with their Facebook pages and Facebook ad accounts.

In reality, even for small companies, this created a problem. For instance, if the Facebook ad manager left the company then the company in question was forced to create a new ad account from scratch. All the data & optimization of the old Facebook ad account is gone.

What you should know about updating to the Facebook Business Manager?

Here are the situations in which we highly recommend you switch your company to the Facebook Business Manager (although all companies should):

  1. Facebook pages where there are multiple locations of the same company such as a franchise
  2. Facebook pages where a contractor or an advertising agency is managing your Facebook ads and Facebook page
  3. Facebook pages with more than one person managing the Facebook page or ad account
  4. Facebook pages with multiple ads account for different purposes requiring different credit cards

How do you access the Facebook Business Manager?

If you want to access the Facebook Business Manager login using your personal account, all you need to do is visit the business.manager.com and follow these smooth steps:

  1. Head over to business.manager.com if not already done
  2. Hit the create an account
  3. Enter your personal login information
  4. Add the following information: name of your business, primary Facebook page, your name, work email and address. Don’t worry if you haven’t created a Facebook page yet you can create one after.
  5. Create business and launch the Business Manager tutorial which we recommend you follow along if it’s your first time.
  6. Add your employees or anyone who needs access to your Business Manager account.

After you have successfuly moved your Facebook page and Facebook ad account to the Facebook business manager, you will see a new option on the right drop down box called “Business Manager”.

By clicking on your company name there, you will be redirected to the Business Manager to see all the assets you’ve added.

Facebook business manager

After that, you’ll be able to go through the entire Business Manager by selecting the ad account, page, product catalogue, audience insight and much more. Additionally, the Facebook Business Manager has some already integrated invoice template.

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