Facebook Ad Types: Pros and Cons in 2021

Facebook Ad Types: Pros and Cons in 2021

You might already know that running Facebook Ads is one of the most effective ways to advertise online. But did you know there are 11 different Facebook objectives that dictate which ad types work best… and almost endless opportunities to customize your ads? And, do you know how to use them? If not, you’re missing […]

Ultimate Guide To Facebook Ads for Mortgage Brokers (2023)

Ultimate Guide To Facebook Ads for Mortgage Brokers (2021)

As you’re probably aware by now, Facebook is an extremely effective tool for advertising and reaching new customers. Mortgage brokers can use this to their advantage by targeting homeowners, buyers, and renters. When looking into investing your money into online marketing channels, don’t sleep on Facebook. As a mortgage broker, you should be devoting a […]

How To Create High Engagement Facebook Posts

How To Create High Engagement Facebook Posts

Facebook is a great way to engage with your customers. And if you know anything about Facebook marketing, you’ll know that engagement is absolutely key to growing your organic reach. The best way to see engagement is through Facebook posts. But what to post? Of course, there are other ways to see successful engagement on […]

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